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    Потеря денег

    Средства списаны. Обмен 232 WMZ не исполнен вот уже 6 дней.

    Email-переписка с 24АТМ ниже. Переписка оборвалась — они не смогли ответить ни по своему же договору (Terms of Service), ни за свои слова.

    Читать снизу вверх.

    On 6/7/22, S… Z… wrote:

    1. It was you who referred to the agreement first.

    >It is also stated in the agreement that we do not serve clients who write slander about us

    What exact article in the agreement you base your statement on?

    2. Since you failed to deliver within 24 hours, according to the article 5.2 I have right to demand the termination of the agreement and cancel the application, thereby making the return of digital currency on my account in full.

    I reserve my right to comment as long as you do not deliver what is stated in your TOS.

    According to the agreement there are two options when I can be "satisfied". And then I remove negative comments.

    Option 1
    Cancel my order 52312 and return my funds in full to my Qiwi wallet.

    Option 2
    Execute the order 52312 and deliver funds to WMZ wallet.

    On 6/7/22, info 24atm wrote:
    > It is also stated in the agreement that we do not serve clients who write slander about us. How to remove the claim, please write to us, we will check it and only after that your exchange will be completed.
    > 13:37, 7 июня 2022 г., S… Z… :
    >> Hello!
    >> Finally you replied. I published my comment only because of silence from your side.
    >> Please explain the reason of incomplete transaction for order 52312 dated 03.06.2022?
    >> Otherwise I still consider that you have breached the article 5.3 of the agreement ***
    >> On 6/7/22, info 24atm wrote:
    >>> Good day. Please remove your negative and your exchange will be completed, the terms of the exchange are indicated in the agreement with which you agreed before payment. Thank you.
    >>> 05.06.2022, 21:49, "S… Z…"
    >>> :
    >>>> Сколько еще ожидать???
    >>>> On 6/4/22, S… Z… wrote:
    >>>>> Здравствуйте!
    >>>>> По заявке Order ID 52312 списание с кошелька Киви произведено, но на колешек Вебмани соедства до сих пор не получены. Сообщите, когда транзакция будет завершена.
    >>>>> On 6/3/22, 24atm.net wrote:
    >>>>>> Hello.
    >>>>>> Order status: new
    >>>>>> Link to order:
    >>>>>> ***
    >>>>>> Order information
    >>>>>> ID 52312 by 2022-06-03 13:57:55
    >>>>>> Exchange rate: 64.5 Qiwi RUB -> 1 Webmoney USD
    >>>>>> Amount of exchange: 14964 Qiwi RUB account +7…9 -> 232 Webmoney USD on account of Z…7
    > —
    > Отправлено из мобильного приложения Яндекс Почты

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